Authority Cited: Heylin [usually correctly Heylyn in 1773 Dict. additions]
Author name and dates: Peter Heylyn (1599-1662)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; controversial ecclesiastic histories; lectured; first pub. on Australia; SJ quotes on North America
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Heylyn cite was identified in the 1755 Dict. 62 Heylyn cites were identified in the 1773 Dict., three in Dict. vol. 1 and the remainder in vol. 2. Per Reddick in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary, p. 122, about 60 Heylyn citations were added to the second volume in the 1773 Dict. The identified additions in the 1773 Dict. are indicated below in boldface italic. Citations are to only the author's name with no work cited. The editions used by SJ in the titles below is unknown.]
Author name and dates: Peter Heylyn (1599-1662)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; controversial ecclesiastic histories; lectured; first pub. on Australia; SJ quotes on North America
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Heylyn cite was identified in the 1755 Dict. 62 Heylyn cites were identified in the 1773 Dict., three in Dict. vol. 1 and the remainder in vol. 2. Per Reddick in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary, p. 122, about 60 Heylyn citations were added to the second volume in the 1773 Dict. The identified additions in the 1773 Dict. are indicated below in boldface italic. Citations are to only the author's name with no work cited. The editions used by SJ in the titles below is unknown.]
- Cyprianus Anglicus: or, The history of the life and death, of the most reverend and renowned prelate William [Laud] by divine providence, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and Metropolitan, Chancellor of the Universities of Oxon. and Dublin, and one of the Lords of the Privy Council under His Sacred Majesty Charles the First, Second Monarch of Great Britain, Containing also the ecclesiastical history of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, from his first rising till his death, By P. Heylyn D.D. Chaplain to Charles the first and Charles the second, Monarchs of Great Britain, 1668, London, Printed for A. Seile. Quoted under ferret (cited as Heylin; p.362 in 1668 edition). [BKG Note: Quotation is inexact, perhaps from memory. Open access link to the text: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31822035070580&view=1up&seq=9 ]
- Cosmographie in four bookes: containing the chorographie and historie of the whole vvorld, and all the principall kingdomes, provinces, seas and isles thereof, By Peter Heylyn, 1652, London: Printed for Henry Seile over against St. Dunstan's in Fleetstreet; crawl (Lib. IV, Part II, p.99); grapple (Lib. IV, Part II, p.98); gullet (Lib. IV, Part II, p.98); negation (Lib. IV, Part II, p.100); pigmy (Lib. IV, Part II, p.112); rub (Lib. IV, Part II, p.115); stark (Lib. IV, Part II, p.107); strong (Lib. IV, Part II, p.106); transport (Lib. IV, Part II, p.98); tun (Lib. IV, Part II, p.113); venturous (Lib. IV, Part II, p.97); upside down (Heylin, Lib. IV, Part II, p.106); withal (Lib. IV, Part II, p.106); yield (Lib. IV, Part II, p.113; text says yields "fairer rivers," Dict. says "fairer fruits"); [BKG Note: see title page image below. All citation headwords sampled were found in Book 4, Part 2: Of America.]
- Heylyn (no work cited); [1773 Dict. edition additions, likely from Cosmographie]: navigable; neither; number; operation; orangetawny; oversway; out; part (2); past, pencil; pinace; plain; plantation; pole; provision; quarter (2); rafter; replenish; roytelet; rug; snouted; some (Heylin); somebody (Heylin); soul; sown; successless; suffragan; tackle; tallow; tenant; that; time; token; tool; top, traffick; vessel; unctuous; want; warily; way (Heylin); wife; win; wind; word; world;