Authority Cited: Spratt [Sprat, Thomas]
Author name and dates: Thomas Sprat (1635-1713)
BKG Bio-tweet: High political church offices; set Royal Academy standards for clarity in scientific papers; popular preacher; elegant prose
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 91 Sprat cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 96 cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One Sprat citation added in the 1773 Dict. is indicated in bold italic below. Also cited as Spratt; sometimes in the 1755 Dict., often in the 1773 Dict. All Sprat cites, except adorn, appear to be from Sprat's Sermons. The edition of Sprat's Sermons used by SJ is unknown. Editions of 1696 and 1710 were published in Sprat's lifetime. A volume of Sermons are mentioned in passing in SJ's later Life of Sprat, but he does not comment on them. The edition of the History of the Royal Society used by SJ is also unknown. There was a 1723 edition.]
Author name and dates: Thomas Sprat (1635-1713)
BKG Bio-tweet: High political church offices; set Royal Academy standards for clarity in scientific papers; popular preacher; elegant prose
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 91 Sprat cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 96 cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One Sprat citation added in the 1773 Dict. is indicated in bold italic below. Also cited as Spratt; sometimes in the 1755 Dict., often in the 1773 Dict. All Sprat cites, except adorn, appear to be from Sprat's Sermons. The edition of Sprat's Sermons used by SJ is unknown. Editions of 1696 and 1710 were published in Sprat's lifetime. A volume of Sermons are mentioned in passing in SJ's later Life of Sprat, but he does not comment on them. The edition of the History of the Royal Society used by SJ is also unknown. There was a 1723 edition.]
- History of the Royal Society: The history of the Royal-Society of London for the improving of natural knowledge by Tho. Sprat, 1667, London: Printed by T. R. for J. Martyn at the Bell without Temple-bar and J. Allestry at the Rose and Crown in Duck-lane, Printers to the Royal Society; adorn (p.324);
- Sermons: Sermons preached on several occasions. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Sprat, D. D. late Lord Bishop of Rochester, and Dean of Westminster, 1722, London: Printed for R. Bonwicke, J. Walthoe, R. Wilkin, B. Tooke, J. Ward, and E. Nutt; absolutely; according; administration; affection; affectionate; ardently; argument; . . . lane; largeness; like; . . . zeal (same quote as affection); zealous.
- Sprat (no work cited); abundantly (same quote as purify) advantage; allege; along; anchoret/anchorite; apostasy; . . . beseech . . . large; lukewarmness; . . . purify . . . zealot.