Authority Cited: [Johnson, Samuel] Savage’s Life, London; Rambler, Irene; Vanity of Human Wishes; Johnson; Comment.[ary] on Pope’s Essay on Man
Author name and dates: Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
BKG Bio-tweet: Classical, bookshop, brief Oxford, education; extraordinary intellect; mentored women; critical influence, example, continues
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: 19 Johnson cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, 34 Johnson cites in 1755 Dict. vol.2. One cite was identified as added in the 1773 Dict. See Self-Quotations and Anonymous Quotations in Johnson's Dictionary, W.K. Wimsatt, M.H. Wimsatt, ELH, Vol.15, No. 1, March 1948, Johns Hopkins University Press (also in JSTOR). See also Self-Quotations in Johnson's "Dictionary," W.R. Keast, N&Q, Sept. 1955, pp.392-393 and Another Self-Quotation in Johnson's "Dictionary," W.R. Keast, N&Q, June 1956, p.362. (Thanks to R. DeMaria for pointing out the Keast references.) See also Anthony Lee, "A New Johnson Self-Quotation in the Dictionary," Notes and Queries, Vol. 65, Issue 2, June 2018. The self-quotations are most likely from memory. The text of the following titles can be found in the Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson: Commentary, vol. 17; Rambler, vols. 3-5, Life of Savage, vol. 22; Drury Lane Prologue, Good Natur'd Man Prologue, Irene, London, Vanity of Human Wishes, An Ode, and To Miss ____ on Her Playing...., vol.6. One possible new SJ citation, for pantomime, is identified in bold below. See the Anon. page for sources of other Anonymous citations.]
Samuel Johnson self-quotations in the 1755 and 1773 Dictionaries
Author name and dates: Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
BKG Bio-tweet: Classical, bookshop, brief Oxford, education; extraordinary intellect; mentored women; critical influence, example, continues
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: 19 Johnson cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, 34 Johnson cites in 1755 Dict. vol.2. One cite was identified as added in the 1773 Dict. See Self-Quotations and Anonymous Quotations in Johnson's Dictionary, W.K. Wimsatt, M.H. Wimsatt, ELH, Vol.15, No. 1, March 1948, Johns Hopkins University Press (also in JSTOR). See also Self-Quotations in Johnson's "Dictionary," W.R. Keast, N&Q, Sept. 1955, pp.392-393 and Another Self-Quotation in Johnson's "Dictionary," W.R. Keast, N&Q, June 1956, p.362. (Thanks to R. DeMaria for pointing out the Keast references.) See also Anthony Lee, "A New Johnson Self-Quotation in the Dictionary," Notes and Queries, Vol. 65, Issue 2, June 2018. The self-quotations are most likely from memory. The text of the following titles can be found in the Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson: Commentary, vol. 17; Rambler, vols. 3-5, Life of Savage, vol. 22; Drury Lane Prologue, Good Natur'd Man Prologue, Irene, London, Vanity of Human Wishes, An Ode, and To Miss ____ on Her Playing...., vol.6. One possible new SJ citation, for pantomime, is identified in bold below. See the Anon. page for sources of other Anonymous citations.]
Samuel Johnson self-quotations in the 1755 and 1773 Dictionaries
- Comment.[ary] on Pope’s Ess.[ay] on Man (SJ trans., not identified in publication); [first Printed for A. Dodd, without Temple-Bar, 1739, but apparently withdrawn, only one copy at Yale, then republished dated 1742 as follows] A Commentary on Mr. Pope's Principles of Morality, or Essay on Man by Mons. Crousaz, Member of the Royal Academies of Sciences at Paris and Bourdeaux, and Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics at Lausanne; in answer to a letter of remarks on his Examen, &c. Containing also I. The Letter of Remarks to Mons. Crousaz. II. The Abbe du Resnel's Translation of the Essay into French Verse. III. An Interlineary English Version of the same. IV. M. du Resnel's Preface, with his Observations on the French, Italian, and English Poetry. V. Some Annotations by the Translator, 1742, London, Printed for E. Cave at St. John's Gate; consoler (not identified by Wimsatt, identified by Keast; incorrectly attributed to Warburton in the Abstracted Dict. editions.)
- [Drury Lane Prologue]; "Anonymous" citations identified by Wimsatt as from this title: pimp (quote not in 1773 Dict.); scenick. "Anonymous" citation from this title not identified by Wimsatt or Keast: pantomime (quote not in 1773 Dict.)
- Irene; disjoint; follow (quote not in the 1773 Dict.); from; idler; important; imposture; intimidate; obscurely (quote not in 1773 Dict.); penitence (quote not in 1773 Dict.); polish (quote not in 1773 Dict.); proverbial (quote not in 1773 Dict.); spare (quote not in 1773 Dict., this appears to be an inexact quote from memory of Irene Act V, Scene IX, line 44, which reads "Grant me one hour, O grant me but a moment"); stagnant; stormy (quote not in 1773 Dict.); sultaness; vacant (quote not in 1773 Dict.). "Anonymous" citations identified by Wimsatt as from the Prologue to Irene: ennoble (quote not in 1773 Dict.); prejudice (quote not in 1773 Dict.). [BKG Note: the story on which the play is loosely based is found in Knolles' History of the Turks. Yale Vol. 6, Samuel Johnson Poems, 1964, pp. 109, 281 and The Poems of Samuel Johnson, second edition (revised by J.D. Fleeman), Oxford, 1974 give SJ manuscript citations of pp.338, 343, 344, 433. The story of Irene appears at p.353. The pages from which SJ selects Knolles quotations for the 1755 and 1773 Dict. appear not to include the pages containing the story of Irene (with one exception, daly, p.387, of the Knolles cites sampled.)]
- London; dissipate; elegant. "Anonymous" citations identified by Wimsatt as from this title: mimick; prowl (quote not in 1773 Dict.); rest (quote not in 1773 Dict.); terrour; truth (quote not in 1773 Dict.).
- Prologue to Good-natured Man; bribe (added in 1773 Dict., a play by Oliver Goldsmith, Prologue by SJ). See Anthony Lee, "A New Johnson Self-Quotation in the Dictionary," Notes and Queries, Vol. 65, Issue 2, June 2018. [BKG Note: this is the only self-quotation added in the 1773 Dict. so far identified.]
- Rambler; expiration [#54]; faint [#38]; ground [#96] (quote not in 1773 Dict.; no quote for sense 1.); instillation [#72] (inexact quote, perhaps from memory); medicate [#130](inexact quote; quote not in 1773 Dict.); virility [#115]. "Anonymous" citation identified by Wimsatt as from this title: placability [#110]. "Anonymous" citation from this title not identified by Wimsatt, identified by Keast: poison [#183] (abridged quote; quote not in the 1773 Dict.).
- Savage’s Life; dissipate
- [(Spring) An Ode]; "Anonymous" citation identified by Wimsatt as from this title: vegetation.
- [To Miss _____ on Her Playing on the Harpsicord, in a Room Hung with some Flower-Pieces of Her Own Painting]; modulate (per Wimsatt); strife (quote not in 1773 Dict., cited as Johnson in 1755 Dict.; incorrectly cited as B. Johnson or Ben. Johnson in Abstracted Dict. editions; not identified by Wimsatt, identified by Keast. Keast also says that the 3rd Dict. edition cites B. Johnson.) [BKG Note: "gives" rather than "makes" in Yale Vol. VI, p.78, text]
- Vanity of Human Wishes; dog; just (quote not in 1773 Dict.); lacerate; lord; march (quote not in 1773 Dict.); relax; transmute (quote not in 1773 Dict.); unconquered (quote not in 1773 Dict., cited as Johnson in 1755 Dict). "Anonymous" citations identified by Wimsatt as from this title: luxurious; peace (quote not in 1773 Dict.); private (quote not in 1773 Dict.); septennial (quote not in 1773 Dict.).
- Johnson (no work cited); island [BKG Note: Cited as Johnson in the 1755 Dict. Anthony Lee identifies this cite as a Pope quotation from Essay on Man and indicates that it is similar to a passage in London that also includes island. The citation is corrected to Pope in the 1765 Dict. 3rd edition. The quote does not appear in the 1773 Dict.]
Alphabetical list of SJ self-quotations
The academic documentation of Samuel Johnson Dictionary self-quotations began with W.K. Wimsatt and M.H. Wimsatt in 1948, followed by W.R. Keast in 1955 and 1956, and is now perhaps completed by Anthony W. Lee in 2018, and Brian Grimes in 2018.
An alphabetical list of SJ self-quotations is provided below. A total of 54 Samuel Johnson self-quotations have been identified. 18 self-quotations in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, two anonymous, four of which are not in the 1773 Dict.; 35 self-quotations in 1755 Dict. vol.2, 17 anonymous, two "Johnson," 23 of which are not in the 1773 Dict. The 27 total quotation deletions left two senses without an illustrative quotation in the 1773 Dict. So, 14 in 1755 vol. 1 and 12 in vol. 2 survived to the 1773 and subsequent Dict. editions, and one was added in the 1773 Dict. The headwords of the two self-quotations identified in 2018 are in bold in the list below. Thanks to Anthony W. Lee for providing a corroborating list. The non-appearances in the 1773 Dict. were tabulated by Grimes.
The academic documentation of Samuel Johnson Dictionary self-quotations began with W.K. Wimsatt and M.H. Wimsatt in 1948, followed by W.R. Keast in 1955 and 1956, and is now perhaps completed by Anthony W. Lee in 2018, and Brian Grimes in 2018.
An alphabetical list of SJ self-quotations is provided below. A total of 54 Samuel Johnson self-quotations have been identified. 18 self-quotations in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, two anonymous, four of which are not in the 1773 Dict.; 35 self-quotations in 1755 Dict. vol.2, 17 anonymous, two "Johnson," 23 of which are not in the 1773 Dict. The 27 total quotation deletions left two senses without an illustrative quotation in the 1773 Dict. So, 14 in 1755 vol. 1 and 12 in vol. 2 survived to the 1773 and subsequent Dict. editions, and one was added in the 1773 Dict. The headwords of the two self-quotations identified in 2018 are in bold in the list below. Thanks to Anthony W. Lee for providing a corroborating list. The non-appearances in the 1773 Dict. were tabulated by Grimes.
- bribe, v.a. 1. Prologue to Good-Natured Man (the only Johnson self-quotation identified as added in 1773 Dict.) ID: Lee
- consoler, n.s. Comment.[ary] on Pope’s Ess.[ay] on Man (incorrectly attributed to Warburton in the Abstracted Dict. editions.) ID; Keast
- disjoint, v.a. 2. Irene ID: Wimsatt
- dissipate, v.a. 2. Savage’s Life ID: Wimsatt
- dissipate, v.a. 3. London ID: Wimsatt
- dog, v.a. Vanity of Human Wishes ID: Wimsatt
- elegant, adj. 1. London ID: Wimsatt
- ennoble, v.a. 3. Anon. [Irene] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- expiration, n.s. 2. Rambler ID: Wimsatt
- faint, adj. 4. Rambler ID: Wimsatt
- follow, v.a. 2. Irene (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- from, prep. 3. Irene ID: Wimsatt
- ground, v.a. 1. Rambler (not in 1773 Dict.; no quotation for sense 1.) ID: Wimsatt
- idler, n.s. Irene ID: Wimsatt
- important, adj. 1. Irene ID: Wimsatt
- imposture, n.s. Irene ID: Wimsatt
- instillation, n.s. 3. Rambler ID: Wimsatt
- intimidate, v.a. Irene ID: Wimsatt
- just, adj. 11. Vanity of Human Wishes (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- lacerate, v.a. Vanity of Human Wishes ID: Wimsatt
- lord, n.s.1. Vanity of Human Wishes ID: Wimsatt
- luxurious, adj. 2. Anon. [Vanity of Human Wishes] ID: Wimsatt
- march, n.s. 1. Vanity of Human Wishes (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- medicate, v.a. Rambler (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- mimick, n.s. 2. Anon. [London] ID: Wimsatt
- modulate, v.a. Anon. [To Miss _____ on Her Playing on the Harpsicord, in a Room Hung with some Flower-Pieces of Her Own Painting] ID: Wimsatt
- obscurely, adv. Irene (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- pantomime, n.s. 2. Anon. [Drury Lane Prologue] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Grimes
- peace, n.s. 1. Anon. [Vanity of Human Wishes] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- penitence, n.s. Irene (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- pimp, v.a. Anonymous [Drury Lane Prologue] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- placableness, n.s. Anonymous [Rambler] ID: Wimsatt
- poison, v.a. 1. Anonymous [Rambler] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Keast
- polish, v.a. 2. Irene (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- prejudice, v.a. 1. Anonym. [Irene] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- private, adj. 1. Anon. [Vanity of Human Wishes] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- proverbial, adj. 1. Irene (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- prowl, v.n. Anon. [London] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- relax, v.a. 3. Vanity of [Human] Wishes ID: Wimsatt
- rest, n.s. 4. Anonym. [London] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- scenick, adj. Anonym. [Drury Lane Prologue] ID: Wimsatt
- septennial, adj. 2. Anonym. [Vanity of Human Wishes] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- spare, v.a. 5. Irene (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- stagnant, adj. Irene ID: Wimsatt
- stormy, adj. 2. Irene (not in 1773 Dict.; no quotation for sense 2.) ID: Wimsatt
- strife, n.s. 2. Johnson [To Miss _____ on Her Playing on the Harpsicord, in a Room Hung with some Flower-Pieces of Her Own Painting] (not in 1773 Dict.; incorrectly cited as B. Johnson or Ben. Johnson in Abstracted Dict. editions; Keast notes that the 3rd Dict. edition cites B. Johnson) ID: Keast
- sultaness, n.s. Irene ID: Wimsatt
- terrour, n.s. 3. Anonym. [London] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- transmute, v.n. Vanity of Human Wishes (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- truth, n.s. 2 Anonymous [London] ( not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- unconquered, adj. 2. Johnson [Vanity of Human Wishes] (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- vacant, adj. 5. Irene (not in 1773 Dict.) ID: Wimsatt
- vegetation, n.s. 1. Anonymous [(Spring) An Ode] ID: Wimsatt
- virility, n.s.1. Rambler ID: Wimsatt