Authority Cited: Duppa
Author name and dates: Brian Duppa (1588-1662)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; philanthropist, endowed two almshouses; editor of memorial verses for Ben Johnson
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary)[BKG Note: also see Taylor for another Duppa work cited by SJ.]
Author name and dates: Brian Duppa (1588-1662)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; philanthropist, endowed two almshouses; editor of memorial verses for Ben Johnson
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary)[BKG Note: also see Taylor for another Duppa work cited by SJ.]
- Holy rules and helps to devotion both in prayer and practice. In two parts, Written by the right Reverend Father in God, Bryan Duppa, Late Lord Bishop of Winten, in the time of his Sequestration, 1675, London: Printed for W. Hensman, at the Kings Head in Westminster-Hall; call; come; compellation (about 18 cites in vol.1 of the 1755 Dict.); lie; necessitate (about 24 cites in vol.2 of the 1755 Dict.); (per Reddick in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary (204), Holy Rules and Helps to Devotion , marked by SJ, is at Yale. Also see item 8. in Appendix II of Fleeman's The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, 1975, that traces the marked copy to SJ's library.)
- Duppa (no work cited); composure (added in 1773 Dict.); lay; nearness;