Example with search results for word entries
Johnson abbreviation for authority name: Abbot
Author name and dates: George Abbot (1562-1633)
Work title stated in Dictionary? Yes
Johnson abbreviation for work title: Abbot's Brief Description of the World; Abbot
Work Title: A briefe description of the whole world : Wherin is particularly described all the monarchies, empires and kingdomes of the same, with their academies. As also their severall titles and situations thereunto adioyning.
First published: 1599
Source for Johnson’s use of edition:
Bibliographical Information on edition used: (?)
A briefe description of the whole world Wherein is particularly described, all the monarchies, empires, and kingdomes of the same, with their academies. Newly augmented and enlarged, with their seuerall titles and scituations thereunto adioyning.
George Abbot, 1562-1633.
1624 At London : Printed by A. Mathewes for Iohn Marriot, and are to bee sold at his shop in Saint Dunstons Church-yard in Fleet-street
Link to source: see Early English Books Online
[Note: This example focuses on collecting all citations of the authority (Abbot) and recording their appearance in the source work, and does not provide the quotations as they appear in the Dictionaries, which would need to be included in the final template.]
List of Word entries for work or authority (preliminary). Electronic search performed of several Dictionary editions. The search tool identifies only entries in the first column. Search results were (approximately): 1755 1st ed. Folio, 20 (+9 for Control+F search); 1773 4th ed, Folio, +19, 1785 6th ed. Quarto, +12; 1756 Abstracted ed. (V. 1 only), +8; 1755 Johnson Dictionary On Line, +4; 1822 ed. +10; 1824 ed. (V.2 only), +1. Total = 83 (+4 later found = 87)
(Folio/Quarto n.s., adj., adv. = Abstr. s., a., ad.)
Distemperature s.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
... ....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
East s.
Page citation for quotation source: pp. 303-304
Quotation in source:
... the which they counting forwards towards the East, did allow Brasilia, and 180 degrees to the Portugals Eastward,....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Eater s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 306
Quotation in source: ...as the Caribees, and the Cannibals, and almost all, are eaters of mans flesh.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Elsewhere adv.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 268
Quotation in source: There are also here divers Trees which are not to be found else|where:....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Elucidator n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 168, 1730 edition of Henry Felton, A dissertation on reading the classics, and forming a just style. Written in the year 1709.
Quotation in source: ...beside the Obscurity that is brought over them by the course of ignorance and age, made yet more obscure by their pedantical elucidators.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations: Not found in Brief Description of the Whole World; mis-attributed to Abbot. Should be attributed to Henry Felton, Dissertation on the Classics
Exceeding adv.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
... ....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Exprobration n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 107
Quotation in source: The Parthians with exprobration of his thirst after money, poured molten gold into his mouth after he was dead.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fabulosity n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 117
Quotation in source: And then, in their fabulosity they would report, that they had in their Records, Observations for five and twenty thou|sand yeares,....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fat v.a
Page citation for quotation source: p. 306
Quotation in source: ...reasonable good Warriours after their country fashion, using to fat such enemies as they take in the wars, that afterwards they may devour them, which they do with great pleasure.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fen n.s
Page citation for quotation source: p. 282
Quotation in source: Mexico is a City very great, and as popu|lous almost as any in the the world; standing in the midst of a great Marsh or Fen.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Flag v.n.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 308
Quotation in source: ...which beds are devised of Cotton wooll, and hung up between two trees not far from the ground, in the which, flagging down in the middle, men and their wives and their children do lie together.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Frame v.a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 274
Quotation in source: ...whereof they rather make account to cut down their timber to frame it, and to do other such necessaries to their convenient use belonging, then to fight,....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fresh adj.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 320
Quotation in source: ...they keep them|selves unmixt with the salt water, so that a very great way within the sea. men may take up as fresh water, as if they were neer the Land.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fret v.a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 273
Quotation in source: ...in the banks of rivers, with the washing of the water, there was divers times fretted out very good and big pieces of gold,....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Furnace n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 286
Quotation in source: ...the King of Spaine have built many Towns and Castles, and therein have erected divers Furnaces and Forges, for the Trying and Fining of their Gold.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Gentlewoman n.s.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
... ....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Get v.a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 264
Quotation in source: ...and yet nature and necessity had taught them to make unto themselves certain Vessels for the Sea, of some one tree, which they did use to get down, not with cutting, but with fire....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Gewgaw n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 274
Quotation in source: ...great store of that metall, which they very readily exchanged for the meanest trifles and gewgawes which the other could bring....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Gown n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 324
Quotation in source: ...as for their feathers, whereof they make garments; either short, as Cloaks, or as Gowns, long to the ground....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Gross n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 270
Quotation in source: ...there was an opinion in grosse, that the soul was immortall....
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Grow v.n.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 306
Quotation in source: In this Country groweth abundance of that wood, which since is brought into Europe, to die red co|lours....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Grow v.n. (second quote)
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Heart n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 319
Quotation in source: Some of our Englishmen did with great labour and danger pass by water into the heart of the country....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Height s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 318
Quotation in source: Guiana is a country which lieth to the North sea in the same height, as Peru to the South....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
High adj.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 285
Quotation in source: ...that they are forced to take their course either high to the North, or low to the South.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Hold v.a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 336
Quotation in source: ...went so far towards the South, as that he came to the lands end, where he holding his course, in a narrow passage towards the West, for the space of divers daies, did at the length peace|ably pass through the straights....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Hop v.n.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 322
Quotation in source: ...strange shapes and monsters as were said to be in old time, that is, men with heads like Dogs, some with eares down to their ankles, others with one huge foot alone, whereupon they did hop from place to place, was not worthy to be credited....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:Page citation for quotation source:
Immediate a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 309
Quotation in source: ...it is much to be ascribed to the immediate will of God, who giv|eth and taketh away beauty at his pleasure.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Immortal a.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
... ....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Inestimable adj.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 199
Quotation in source: Which conceit the King himself, as Matthew Paris writeth, did often suggest unto the Pope; who there upon took advantage, abusing the simplicity of the King, to suck out inestimable summes of money, to the intolerable grievance of both the Clergy & Temporality.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Inhabitant s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 333
Quotation in source: And in this place they reported that they saw inhabitants, which were very fair and fat people, and did go naked....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
[BKG Note: The 32 citations of Abbot listed above were identified in Vol. 1 of the 1st edition by electronic searches. The Freed 1939 thesis, which focuses only on Vol. 1, has 30 citations as the number for Abbot]]
Land n.s.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Large adj.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Lay down v.a.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Leave (left) v.a
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Ling n.s.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Loose v.a.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Mass n.s
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Narration n.s.
Natural n.s.
Necromancy n.s.
Observable adj.
Obstupefaction adj.
Of prep.
Open v.a.
Orient adj.
Overthrow n.s.
Pain n.s.
Party n.s.
Physick n.s.
Pied adj.
Plank n.s.
Post n.s.
Pretty adj.
Privities n.s.
Promontory n.s.
Puppet n.s.
Qualify v.a.
Rearmouse n.s.
Reasonable adj.
Relinquish v.a.
Rest adj.
Row v.n.
Scant adv.
Scatteringly adv.
Several adj.
Shoal n.s.
Shoot v.a.
Sort v.n.
Sound adj.
Stark adv.
Stipendiary n.s.
Strait n.s.
Tackling n.s.
Tempest n.s.
Temporality n.s.
Touch v.n.
Trough n.s.
Utter v.a.
Uttermost adj.
Water n.s.
Westward adv.
Who (whom) pronoun
Yea adv.
[BKG Note: The 81 citations of Abbot listed above were identified in Vol. 2 of the 1st edition by electronic searches.]
Johnson abbreviation for authority name: Abbot
Author name and dates: George Abbot (1562-1633)
Work title stated in Dictionary? Yes
Johnson abbreviation for work title: Abbot's Brief Description of the World; Abbot
Work Title: A briefe description of the whole world : Wherin is particularly described all the monarchies, empires and kingdomes of the same, with their academies. As also their severall titles and situations thereunto adioyning.
First published: 1599
Source for Johnson’s use of edition:
Bibliographical Information on edition used: (?)
A briefe description of the whole world Wherein is particularly described, all the monarchies, empires, and kingdomes of the same, with their academies. Newly augmented and enlarged, with their seuerall titles and scituations thereunto adioyning.
George Abbot, 1562-1633.
1624 At London : Printed by A. Mathewes for Iohn Marriot, and are to bee sold at his shop in Saint Dunstons Church-yard in Fleet-street
Link to source: see Early English Books Online
[Note: This example focuses on collecting all citations of the authority (Abbot) and recording their appearance in the source work, and does not provide the quotations as they appear in the Dictionaries, which would need to be included in the final template.]
List of Word entries for work or authority (preliminary). Electronic search performed of several Dictionary editions. The search tool identifies only entries in the first column. Search results were (approximately): 1755 1st ed. Folio, 20 (+9 for Control+F search); 1773 4th ed, Folio, +19, 1785 6th ed. Quarto, +12; 1756 Abstracted ed. (V. 1 only), +8; 1755 Johnson Dictionary On Line, +4; 1822 ed. +10; 1824 ed. (V.2 only), +1. Total = 83 (+4 later found = 87)
(Folio/Quarto n.s., adj., adv. = Abstr. s., a., ad.)
Distemperature s.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
... ....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
East s.
Page citation for quotation source: pp. 303-304
Quotation in source:
... the which they counting forwards towards the East, did allow Brasilia, and 180 degrees to the Portugals Eastward,....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Eater s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 306
Quotation in source: ...as the Caribees, and the Cannibals, and almost all, are eaters of mans flesh.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Elsewhere adv.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 268
Quotation in source: There are also here divers Trees which are not to be found else|where:....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Elucidator n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 168, 1730 edition of Henry Felton, A dissertation on reading the classics, and forming a just style. Written in the year 1709.
Quotation in source: ...beside the Obscurity that is brought over them by the course of ignorance and age, made yet more obscure by their pedantical elucidators.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations: Not found in Brief Description of the Whole World; mis-attributed to Abbot. Should be attributed to Henry Felton, Dissertation on the Classics
Exceeding adv.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
... ....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Exprobration n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 107
Quotation in source: The Parthians with exprobration of his thirst after money, poured molten gold into his mouth after he was dead.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fabulosity n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 117
Quotation in source: And then, in their fabulosity they would report, that they had in their Records, Observations for five and twenty thou|sand yeares,....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fat v.a
Page citation for quotation source: p. 306
Quotation in source: ...reasonable good Warriours after their country fashion, using to fat such enemies as they take in the wars, that afterwards they may devour them, which they do with great pleasure.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fen n.s
Page citation for quotation source: p. 282
Quotation in source: Mexico is a City very great, and as popu|lous almost as any in the the world; standing in the midst of a great Marsh or Fen.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Flag v.n.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 308
Quotation in source: ...which beds are devised of Cotton wooll, and hung up between two trees not far from the ground, in the which, flagging down in the middle, men and their wives and their children do lie together.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Frame v.a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 274
Quotation in source: ...whereof they rather make account to cut down their timber to frame it, and to do other such necessaries to their convenient use belonging, then to fight,....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fresh adj.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 320
Quotation in source: ...they keep them|selves unmixt with the salt water, so that a very great way within the sea. men may take up as fresh water, as if they were neer the Land.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Fret v.a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 273
Quotation in source: ...in the banks of rivers, with the washing of the water, there was divers times fretted out very good and big pieces of gold,....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Furnace n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 286
Quotation in source: ...the King of Spaine have built many Towns and Castles, and therein have erected divers Furnaces and Forges, for the Trying and Fining of their Gold.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Gentlewoman n.s.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
... ....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Get v.a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 264
Quotation in source: ...and yet nature and necessity had taught them to make unto themselves certain Vessels for the Sea, of some one tree, which they did use to get down, not with cutting, but with fire....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Gewgaw n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 274
Quotation in source: ...great store of that metall, which they very readily exchanged for the meanest trifles and gewgawes which the other could bring....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Gown n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 324
Quotation in source: ...as for their feathers, whereof they make garments; either short, as Cloaks, or as Gowns, long to the ground....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Gross n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 270
Quotation in source: ...there was an opinion in grosse, that the soul was immortall....
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Grow v.n.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 306
Quotation in source: In this Country groweth abundance of that wood, which since is brought into Europe, to die red co|lours....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Grow v.n. (second quote)
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Heart n.s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 319
Quotation in source: Some of our Englishmen did with great labour and danger pass by water into the heart of the country....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Height s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 318
Quotation in source: Guiana is a country which lieth to the North sea in the same height, as Peru to the South....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
High adj.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 285
Quotation in source: ...that they are forced to take their course either high to the North, or low to the South.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Hold v.a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 336
Quotation in source: ...went so far towards the South, as that he came to the lands end, where he holding his course, in a narrow passage towards the West, for the space of divers daies, did at the length peace|ably pass through the straights....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Hop v.n.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 322
Quotation in source: ...strange shapes and monsters as were said to be in old time, that is, men with heads like Dogs, some with eares down to their ankles, others with one huge foot alone, whereupon they did hop from place to place, was not worthy to be credited....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:Page citation for quotation source:
Immediate a.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 309
Quotation in source: ...it is much to be ascribed to the immediate will of God, who giv|eth and taketh away beauty at his pleasure.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Immortal a.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
... ....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Inestimable adj.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 199
Quotation in source: Which conceit the King himself, as Matthew Paris writeth, did often suggest unto the Pope; who there upon took advantage, abusing the simplicity of the King, to suck out inestimable summes of money, to the intolerable grievance of both the Clergy & Temporality.
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
Inhabitant s.
Page citation for quotation source: p. 333
Quotation in source: And in this place they reported that they saw inhabitants, which were very fair and fat people, and did go naked....
Image __; Transcript_X_
Compiler observations:
[BKG Note: The 32 citations of Abbot listed above were identified in Vol. 1 of the 1st edition by electronic searches. The Freed 1939 thesis, which focuses only on Vol. 1, has 30 citations as the number for Abbot]]
Land n.s.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Large adj.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Lay down v.a.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Leave (left) v.a
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Ling n.s.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Loose v.a.
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Mass n.s
Page citation for quotation source:
Quotation in source:
Image __; Transcript__
Compiler observations:
Narration n.s.
Natural n.s.
Necromancy n.s.
Observable adj.
Obstupefaction adj.
Of prep.
Open v.a.
Orient adj.
Overthrow n.s.
Pain n.s.
Party n.s.
Physick n.s.
Pied adj.
Plank n.s.
Post n.s.
Pretty adj.
Privities n.s.
Promontory n.s.
Puppet n.s.
Qualify v.a.
Rearmouse n.s.
Reasonable adj.
Relinquish v.a.
Rest adj.
Row v.n.
Scant adv.
Scatteringly adv.
Several adj.
Shoal n.s.
Shoot v.a.
Sort v.n.
Sound adj.
Stark adv.
Stipendiary n.s.
Strait n.s.
Tackling n.s.
Tempest n.s.
Temporality n.s.
Touch v.n.
Trough n.s.
Utter v.a.
Uttermost adj.
Water n.s.
Westward adv.
Who (whom) pronoun
Yea adv.
[BKG Note: The 81 citations of Abbot listed above were identified in Vol. 2 of the 1st edition by electronic searches.]